Coca tea is an extremely interesting tea since from one side is a very healthy drinking product and on the other side, from the same plant is obtained the ingredient for production of basic cocaine derived from the raw leaves of the coca plant. The cocaine alkaloide present in the raw leaves is almost nothing, in other words, very minimal. These minimal traces provide only a small energy boost sensation, the equivalent of a cup of coffee. The tea goes through a process very similar to decaffeination and is legal in Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia and USA.
The plant is native to South America, particularly in the Andes region. During the time of the Inca Empire, the sacred coca leaf was used as a currency and as a central offering of holy ceremonies. People of the Andes used the sacred leaf to protect themselves from starvation and fatigue during the extremely long walks through the different ranges of altitude.
Today the coca tea is used for the prevention of and to treat altitude sickness. Altitude sickness can occur during the first couple of days when the body is exposed to a high altitude. The climatizing process cause dizziness, nausea, and vomiting. The tea is also effective for digestive problems.
The medicinal properties of the coca tea include the reduction of body fat with little or no side effects. Also the compounds contained in the leaves of the plant stimulate the body much like caffeine does.
It will boost the body's energy level and make the individual mentally alert. The leaf acting as a natural stimulant is very effective in combating fatigue, hunger and thirst. The coca leaf in its natural state contains riboflavin, vitamin A, iron and calcium. It also helps to reduce the tendency toward adult onset diabetes and obesity. It is rich in antioxidants, regulates blood glucose and enhances the metabolism.
In Peru, you can sit down in a restaurant or on a shack on the side of the road and enjoy a cup of coca tea, with all its benefits without hassle. Millions of people enjoy the great taste of this popular tea without judgment. Coca tea is sold in all supermarkets and there is no age limit to purchase it.
Coca leaf extract has been used in Coca-Cola products since 1885 and continue using it up to now.
They never used cocaine in the production of the beverage.