Borage is an edible and medicinal plant that is cultivated very easily and harvested practically all year round. Its beneficial effects have been known since pre-incat times.
Borage, as a food plant, stands out mainly for its contribution of minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus; vitamins as beta-carotene, vitamin C, E, choline and niacin; acids as acetic, gamolenic, and lactic. Choline is an element that forms part of the complex of vitamin B, essential in the metabolism of fats.
Borage oil mainly contains essential fatty acids that have very important functions in the body. They are a type of fats that the body can not synthesize and that must be provided by food. The human body does not have the enzymes that produce double bonds (un-saturations) in the carbons of fatty acids prior to carbon n*9 (it does not use the same metabolic pathways as omega 3 and 6). Therefore, since omega 3 (fish, nuts, olive and linseed oil, wheat germ, sesame, etc) and 6 (black currant seed oil, borage oil, brussels sprouts, garlic, carrot, soy, sesame oil, etc) contain 2 and 3 double bonds prior to carbon 9 (it does not influence the balance of omega 3 and 6), our body can not synthesize 3 and 6. Our body is only able to make carbon structures with double bonds from carbon n*9, such as omega 9 (Fatty acids from carbohydrates, alcohols, and proteins). Plants do have these enzymes and for this reason vegetable oils do contain omega 3 (linolenic acid) and omega 6 (linoleic acid). From these components our human body is able to synthesize substances such as brain neurotransmitters (allow neuronal & nervous system connection), new cells (they are part of the composition of all cells), good cholesterol, natural anti-inflammatory (which produces the body itself), vasodilator and anti-thrombotic substances. A deficit of these components can produce an onset or aggravation of symptoms of hyperactivity, depression, insomnia, allergic reactions, arthritis, dermatitis, menstrual pain, etc.
Borage's way of cooking varied because the plant is used from stems to the leaves.
Leaves and flowers are used mainly for its diuretic properties. It favors the elimination of urine from the body to get rid of harmful toxins.
Borage, traditionally, has been used in case of fever, cough, and depression. Borage oil mainly contains essential fatty acids. Both, plant and oil, are source of gamma-linolenic acid.