Thursday, August 4, 2016


Garlic is a specie in the onion family. Its close relatives include the onion, shallot, leek, and chive. With a history of consumption and use of over 7,000 years, garlic has long been a staple in the Andean Mountains Region of Peru, as well as a frequent seasoning in the Coast Region. It has been used both for food flavoring and traditional medicine.
Garlic is effective in lowering the bad cholesterol if taken for longer than two months. It has a very positive effect and is well tolerated with very no side effects.
The effect of garlic on blood pressure is clearly positive and there is sufficient evidence to determine that ingesting a couple of garlic cloves in the diet lowers the cardiovascular rates in people with hypertension.
Also epidemiological studies found that fresh garlic consumption is associated with lower risk of stomach cancer and prostate cancer. You just need to prepare a fresh salad every day including two garlic cloves grounded and the juice of one lime, salt and pepper.
There is sufficient evidence also regarding the effect of garlic in preventing or treating the common cold. You just need to prepare a fresh chicken soup using organic chicken boiled with leeks, potatoes and cabbage and two chopped garlic cloves, salt and pepper. Drain and serve with lime drops.
Garlic can be used as a fish and meat preservative, and displays antimicrobial properties at temperatures as high as 120 degrees Celsius. It is very convenient when you go camping and the meat is already marinating with chopped garlic, vinegar, paprika, lime juice, cumin, salt and pepper.
Garlic is known to cause a bad breath (halitosis) and body odor when used in excess. You just need 2 cloves of fresh garlic in your diet for the whole day. When it is in excess the body try to get rid of it by sweating it out. The sulfide content of it is absorbed immediately into the body during the metabolism of garlic-derived sulfur compounds. From the blood it travels to the lungs and from there to the mouth and skin pores. If you know that your consumption of garlic was in excess just zip milk to neutralize the effect and do not consume again until you know that the body got rid of that excess. Plain water, basil, parsley, and mushrooms also neutralize or reduce the excess and the odor.
People who suffer from garlic allergies are often sensitive also to onions, chives, leeks, shallots, garden lilies, ginger, and bananas. Symptoms can include irritable bowel, diarrhea, nausea, breathing problems and mouth and throat ulceration.
In the spiritual realm the garlic is regarded as a powerful force able to connect to both good and evil. It is proven by the fact that the abundant sulfur compounds in garlic make it turn green or blue during pickling and cooking. Ring structures absorb particular wavelength of light and thus appeared colored. The same process is acted in the spiritual realm cleansing energies that are not beneficial in the place where it is placed. Garlic is hung in the entrance of the room or in windows.

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